Holidays in Austria


Our self-guided holidays in Austria are the perfect way to explore this beautiful country at your own pace. Discover majestic Alpine landscapes of soaring peaks, pine-forested slopes and wildflower-filled meadows, delight in the elegance and culture of the cities, and experience first-rate hospitality and excellent regional fare.

Holidays in Austria
Holidays in Austria

Austria is one of Europe’s most beautiful countries

The broad valleys are dotted with idyllic villages and framed by jagged peaks that reach high into the sky, while the slopes are criss-crossed with inviting trails, and as such are like one giant playground in both summer and winter. And then there are the lakes – sparkling, blue and fjord-like, around which gentle cycleways and footpaths wind.
Austria is also blessed with more than its fair share of fascinating cities: Vienna – all imperial charm and gleaming coffee houses; Innsbruck, with its dramatic Alpine backdrop; and Salzburg, a true Baroque gem.

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Favourite Austrian holidays


Inntravel holidays in Austria

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